Welcome Everyone to the CSIR-NIIST Jigyasa Community!
This WhatsApp group has been meticulously set up with a few pivotal goals in mind, aimed at fostering your academic and professional growth within the realms of R&D. Here’s what we’re all about:
1. Opportunity Showcase:
We’re your go-to source for uncovering exciting opportunities at CSIR-NIIST, including Ph.D. positions, Project Associates/Research Assistant roles, and M.Sc. Project/Internship slots. If you’re on the lookout for a challenge, we’ve got you covered.
2. Skill Enhancement:
Delve into our Skill Development Programs tailored for the innovative minds at CSIR-NIIST. Whether you’re aiming to polish existing skills or embark on new learning journeys, we’re here to guide you.
3. Knowledge Expansion:
Engage with our ONLINE Instrument Training programs (both free and paid options available) and complimentary Webinars, designed to enrich M.Sc. students across all disciplines with cutting-edge knowledge and practical insights.
4. Community Support:
Our mission extends to aiding the student community in gearing up for a successful R&D career, equipped with the right tools and insights.
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